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String Functions

The string function package contains functions to manipulate and analyze strings and characters. The string function package is part of the standard SQRL function library.

IMPORT string.*; -- imports all string functions
IMPORT string.concat; -- imports single string function


The following table lists all the functions in the string package with a short description. The table also includes the name of the function in SQL, which may be slightly different.

Function NameDescription
concat(string, string...)Concatenates two or more strings into one. For example, concat('Hello', 'World') returns 'HelloWorld'.
lpad(string, length, padString)Pads string on the left to a total of length characters using padString. For example, lpad('Hello', 10, '*') returns '*Hello'.
ltrim(string)Removes leading spaces from string. For example, ltrim(' Hello World') returns 'Hello World'.
regexp(string, pattern)Returns true if string matches the pattern, otherwise false. For example, regexp('Hello World', '^Hello') returns true.
regexpExtract(string, pattern, groupIndex)Extracts a substring from string that matches a pattern at the specified groupIndex. For example, regexpExtract('Hello World', '(\w+)', 0) returns 'Hello'.
regexReplace(string, pattern, replacement)Replaces all substrings in string that match the pattern with replacement. For example, regexReplace('Hello World', 'l', 'z') returns 'Hezzo Worzd'.
replace(string, oldString, newString)Replaces all occurrences of oldString in string with newString. For example, replace('Hello World', 'World', 'Universe') returns 'Hello Universe'.
rpad(string, length, padString)Pads string on the right to a total of length characters using padString. For example, rpad('Hello', 10, '*') returns 'Hello*'.
rtrim(string)Removes trailing spaces from string. For example, rtrim('Hello World ') returns 'Hello World'.
substring(string, start, length)Returns a substring from string starting at start position for length characters. For example, substring('Hello World', 6, 5) returns 'World'.
trim(string)Removes both leading and trailing spaces from string. For example, trim(' Hello World ') returns 'Hello World'.