String Functions
The string function package contains functions to manipulate and analyze strings and characters. The string function package is part of the standard SQRL function library.
IMPORT string.*; -- imports all string functions
IMPORT string.concat; -- imports single string function
The following table lists all the functions in the string package with a short description. The table also includes the name of the function in SQL, which may be slightly different.
Function Name | Description |
concat(string, string...) | Concatenates two or more strings into one. For example, concat('Hello', 'World') returns 'HelloWorld'. |
lpad(string, length, padString) | Pads string on the left to a total of length characters using padString. For example, lpad('Hello', 10, '*') returns '*Hello'. |
ltrim(string) | Removes leading spaces from string. For example, ltrim(' Hello World') returns 'Hello World'. |
regexp(string, pattern) | Returns true if string matches the pattern, otherwise false. For example, regexp('Hello World', '^Hello') returns true. |
regexpExtract(string, pattern, groupIndex) | Extracts a substring from string that matches a pattern at the specified groupIndex. For example, regexpExtract('Hello World', '(\w+)', 0) returns 'Hello'. |
regexReplace(string, pattern, replacement) | Replaces all substrings in string that match the pattern with replacement. For example, regexReplace('Hello World', 'l', 'z') returns 'Hezzo Worzd'. |
replace(string, oldString, newString) | Replaces all occurrences of oldString in string with newString. For example, replace('Hello World', 'World', 'Universe') returns 'Hello Universe'. |
rpad(string, length, padString) | Pads string on the right to a total of length characters using padString. For example, rpad('Hello', 10, '*') returns 'Hello*'. |
rtrim(string) | Removes trailing spaces from string. For example, rtrim('Hello World ') returns 'Hello World'. |
substring(string, start, length) | Returns a substring from string starting at start position for length characters. For example, substring('Hello World', 6, 5) returns 'World'. |
trim(string) | Removes both leading and trailing spaces from string. For example, trim(' Hello World ') returns 'Hello World'. |