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Text Functions

The secure function package contains functions for generating unique ids and secure strings.

IMPORT secure.*; -- imports all functions
IMPORT secure.uuid; -- imports single function


Function NameDescription
Uuid()Generates a universally unique identifier (UUID) as a 36-character string. This function is non-deterministic, meaning it will return a different UUID with each call. For example, calling Uuid() might return "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000".
RandomID(BIGINT)Generates a random ID based on the number of bytes specified. The ID is encoded in a URL-safe Base64 format without padding. If the input is null or less than zero, it returns null. For example, RandomID(16) could return a string like "T2Rkdk5OdXZ1ZG5GdlNhQw".