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Getting started

Let's build a data pipeline with DataSQRL in just a few simple steps.


You can install DataSQRL on your Mac with HomeBrew or use Docker on any machine.

brew tap datasqrl/sqrl
brew install sqrl-cli

Check that you're on the current version of DataSQRL by running sqrl --version To update an existing installation:

brew upgrade sqrl-cli

Implement SQL Script

We are going to build a data pipeline that aggregates sensor metrics. With DataSQRL, you can implement the entire data pipeline in a single SQL script.

  1. Create a new folder for the data pipeline:
mkdir metrics; cd metrics
  1. Then create a new file called metrics.sqrl and copy-paste the following SQL code:
IMPORT datasqrl.example.sensors.SensorReading; -- Import metrics
IMPORT time.endOfSecond; -- Import time function

/* Compute the average temperature per second for each sensor */
SecReading := SELECT sensorid, endOfSecond(time) as timeSec,
avg(temperature) as temp
FROM SensorReading GROUP BY sensorid, timeSec;

/* Get max temperature in last minute per sensor */
SensorMaxTemp := SELECT sensorid, max(temp) as maxTemp
FROM SecReading
WHERE timeSec >= now() - INTERVAL 1 MINUTE
GROUP BY sensorid;
  1. Compile the SQL script to an integrated data pipeline:
sqrl compile metrics.sqrl
  1. By default, DataSQRL uses docker to run data pipelines locally. Start the pipeline with docker compose:
(cd build/deploy; docker compose up --build)
  1. The pipeline exposes the data through a GraphQL API. You can query it here: http://localhost:8888/graphiql/

Run the query to see the results:

SensorMaxTemp (sensorid: 1) {

Congrats! You've built a robust and scalable data pipeline with just a few queries! Check out more of what DataSQRL has to offer, you might be surprised how this simple abstraction can unlock advanced features and functionality.

For a continuation of the features of DataSQRL, check out the Sensor Data Tutorial.